Privacy Policy

MB “Aštrus” - Company code: 305935502, registered address Bažnyčių g. 20D- 12, LT-72253, Tauragė, Lithuania (hereafter referred to as the Company) is the operator of the online store

1. The trust of every user of the online store in the Company, its managed online store, and the products and or services sold or provided through it is principal to the Company. This trust, among other things, is inseparable from the proper processing and protection of User Personal Data. Therefore, in this section of the online store’s website, you will find the provisions of the Company’s Privacy Policy (hereafter – Privacy Policy) regulating the receipt, use, processing, handling, and other actions of User Personal Data in the Company’s activities, as well as the related rights of Users and obligations of the Company.  

2. Please note that by using the online store’s website and its services, the User agrees to the provisions of the Privacy Policy. If the User does not agree to adhere to the provisions of the online store’s Privacy Policy, the User cannot continue to use the Company’s online store website.  

3. Please note that the Company has the right to unilaterally change the provisions of the Privacy Policy at its discretion at any time, informing users of the online store’s website in advance. Any changes to the conditions of the Privacy Policy become effective from the day of their publication on the online store’s website, so please read the provisions of these Privacy Policies each time before starting to use the facilities provided by the online store. If, after reading these Privacy Policy provisions, you decide to continue using the possibilities offered by the online store, you confirm that you agree with and accept them.  

4. The User, having any questions related to the User’s Personal Data, can contact the Company’s Data Protection Officer directly. Email:  

5. Please note that all actions performed with the User’s Personal Data are carried out by the valid provisions of the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania’s legal acts, primarily the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania.  



1. Operator – The Company, i.e., MB “Aštrus” – Company code: 
305935502, registered address Bažnyčių g. 20D-12, LT-72253, Tauragė, Lithuania, determines the purposes and means of data processing.  

2. Online store – an online store accessible at  

3. User – a natural person visiting the online store website and/or a natural 
person seeking to purchase the Company’s sold goods and/or obtain the services provided by the Company, and/or purchasing them.  

4. Personal Data – any information related to a natural person – a data subject, whose identity is known or can be directly or indirectly determined.  

5. Data recipient – a legal or natural person to whom the Data Operator provides personal data.  

6. Online store account – an account for accessing the online store website, created by active User actions according to the sequence of actions specified on the online store website, where the User’s Personal Data and order history are stored.  

7. Cookie – a small text file sent and temporarily stored in each User’s device from which access to the online store website is made.  

8. Direct Marketing – is a practice which aims to offer individuals goods or services by mail, phone, or other direct means and/or inquiring their opinion on the offered goods or services.  

9. Company’s partner – a person supplying goods or services to the Company, with whom some joint promotions or projects may be carried out.  


1. The Company collects Users’ Personal Data in three ways: - The User 
provides information about them; - Data related to the User is generated automatically when the User uses the Online Store’s website; - Data about the User is obtained from third parties.  

2. The User of the Company’s Online Store’s website independently provides information to the Company in the following cases: - When the User creates an account in the Online Store and places an order; - During any form of communication of the User with the Company. 

3. The second method of Personal Data collection involves a situation where the Company automatically collects information using Cookies, based on the User’s consent to process their Personal Data on a legal basis, as the User utilizes the Online Store’s website and its offered features.  

4. The third method of Personal Data collection encompasses a situation where, based on the User’s consent, the Company obtains information about the User from third parties, such as Facebook, Inc., and Google, Inc. The Company receives such User Personal Data as the User’s image and the name of their social network account (profile) from Facebook, Inc., while from Google, Inc., the Company only receives the User’s image data.  


1. The Company processes the following User Personal Data in its activities: - Based on the legal basis of contract conclusion and execution: User Personal Data such as name, personal identification number, surname, email address, telephone number, delivery address, Internet Protocol (IP) address, bank account number, payment method for purchased goods, order history, residential address, text files “cookies”, personal income size, passport number, personal marital status data. These Personal Data are processed to operate the Company’s Online Store website; - Based on User consent: User Personal Data such as name, surname, telephone number, email address, Internet Protocol (IP) address, video recording, image, text files “cookies”. These Personal Data are processed to organize and execute contests, promotions, and games; - Based on the legal basis of contract conclusion and execution: User Personal Data such as name, surname, personal identification number, telephone number, email address, workplace address, personal complaints. These Personal Data are processed to provide services advertised on the Company’s Online Store website; - Based on User consent: User Personal Data such as name, surname, email address, city, purchase category, purchase amount details, text files “cookies”, image data, social network account name, residential address. These Personal Data are processed to execute Direct Marketing; - Based on the Company’s legitimate interest legal basis: User Personal Data such as audio recording (conversation recording) data. These Personal Data are processed to assess, improve, and ensure professional service quality and resolve potential or existing disputes with Users.  

2. The Company notes that it does not collect, process, or perform any other data processing operations related to the User’s sensitive (specific) personal information, such as religious or political views, health, et cetera.  


1. The Company ensures, adheres to, and respects the rights of the Users of the Company’s Online Store website: - the right to information, i.e., the right to be informed about the processing of the User’s Personal Data by the Company; - the right to obtain information related to the User’s Personal Data processed by the Company; - the right to correct the User’s Personal Data if they are inaccurate or incomplete; - the right to be forgotten when Personal Data are no longer needed to achieve the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed and/or when the User revokes consent on which the processing of Personal Data is based and there is no other legal basis for processing Personal Data, and/or when the User disagrees with the processing of Personal Data and there are no superior legitimate reasons for processing Personal Data, and/or when Personal Data have been processed unlawfully, and/or when Personal Data must be deleted in compliance with a legal obligation set out in the European Union or the Company’s member state law, and/or when the User’s personal data were collected in the context of offering information society services; - the right to restrict the processing of the User’s Personal Data when the User disputes the accuracy of the Personal Data for a period that allows the Company to verify the accuracy of the Personal Data and/or when the processing of Personal Data is unlawful and the User disagrees that the Personal Data should be deleted, and instead requests to restrict their use, and/or when the Company no longer needs the User’s Personal Data for processing purposes, but they are required by the User for the declaration, exercise, or defense of legal claims, and/or when the User has objected to the processing of Personal Data, pending the verification whether the legitimate reasons of the Company override those of the User; - the right to object to the processing of the User’s Personal Data, i.e., the User has the right, for reasons related to the User’s particular case, to object at any time to the processing of Personal Data related to them, when such processing is carried out for the performance of a task carried out for public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Company, including profiling, and/or when processing of Personal Data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Company or by a third party, except when such User’s interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, which require protection of personal data, override those interests, especially when the User is a child, including profiling related to such direct marketing. The Company hereby indicates that considering the implementation of the User’s right to object to the processing of Personal Data, it no longer processes Personal Data, except in cases where the Company proves that the Personal Data is processed for compelling legitimate reasons that override the interests, rights, and freedoms of the Company, or for the declaration, exercise, or defence of legal claims. - the right to data portability, i.e., the User has the right to receive Personal Data related to them, which they have provided to the Company, when the processing of the User’s Personal Data is based on consent and/or a contract and such User’s Personal Data are processed by automated means. The Company hereby indicates that by exercising their right to data portability, the User has the right, where technically feasible, for Personal Data to be transferred directly from the Company to another data controller, i.e., a physical or legal person who determines the purposes and means of data processing. - The right to withdraw consent for the processing of Personal Data when the processing is based on the User’s consent.  

2. The Company informs that the relevant actions, by which the above- mentioned User rights are implemented, will be carried out as soon as possible, but no later than one month from the date of your request. It should be noted that, if necessary, the one-month term may be extended by another two months, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. In this case, the Company will inform the User about such an extension within one month of receiving the request while providing the reasons for the delay. 

3. The Company draws attention to the fact that, without limiting the possibilities to take other administrative or judicial remedies, every User has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, primarily in the EU Member State of their habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if the person believes that the processing of Personal Data related to them is carried out in violation of the applicable data protection legal acts. In the Republic of Lithuania, such a supervisory authority is the State Data Protection Inspectorate, legal entity code 188607912, address A. Juozapavičiaus g. 6, LT-09310 Vilnius, Lithuania.  

4. If the User wishes the Company to implement the aforementioned rights or if the User has questions regarding the implementation of their rights, they are kindly asked to contact the Company.  


1. The retention periods for Personal Data processed by the Company, considering the purposes of data processing, are as follows: - User Personal Data, processed for the purpose of running the Company’s Online Store website’s e-commerce, are stored for 5 (five) years from the User’s last use of the Company’s Online Store; - User Personal Data, processed for the purpose of organizing and executing contests, promotions, and games, are stored for 5 (five) years from the User’s last participation in a contest, promotion, or game organized by the Company; - User Personal Data, processed for the purpose of providing services, are stored for 5 (five) years from the User’s last use of the services granted by the Company; - User Personal Data, processed for the purpose of Direct Marketing, are stored for 5 (five) years from the date the User consented to process his/her Personal Data for Direct Marketing purposes; - User Personal Data, processed for the purpose of evaluating, improving, and ensuring professional service quality and for resolving potential or arisen disputes with clients, are stored for 3 (three) years from the date of receiving the respective Personal Data. 

2. The Company makes all reasonable and justified efforts to ensure that the User’s Personal Data is protected during the above-mentioned periods. Upon the expiration of the Personal Data retention period, the Company destroys the User’s personal information.  


1. The Company utilizes the services of reliable third parties established in Lithuania and other European Union states and beyond, such as courier services, leasing companies, direct marketing, and server rental service providers. 

2. The Company informs the User that, to achieve the Personal Data processing objectives identified in this Privacy Policy, and considering the specific purpose of Personal Data processing, the Company transfers the User’s Personal Data to the aforementioned third parties.  

3. The User’s Personal Data are transferred to third parties only to the extent necessary to directly implement their duties and ensure the User’s legitimate interests.

4. The Company and the third party to whom the Company has transferred the User’s Personal Data operate under separate agreement(s) that regulate the actions of Personal Data processing transferred to the third party, necessary technical and organizational security measures, and other mandatory legal provisions regulating Personal Data processing.  

5. The User undertakes and must protect their login password and username for the Company’s Online Store website account and other Personal Data. The User undertakes and must not disclose Personal Data about themselves or third parties to any other third parties if such third-party Personal Data becomes accessible to them and must immediately inform the Company about any identified breaches.  

6. The Company strives to ensure the confidentiality of the User’s personal information, and, under normal circumstances of using the Company’s Online Store website, the Company does not have the right to disclose the User’s Personal Data to any other Data Recipients unless required by the process of providing services offered by the Company.  

7. In the event the Company is legally obligated under laws or other legal acts, the Company must disclose information about the User to competent authorities. 


1. The Company cares about the security and confidentiality of the User’s Personal Data. The Company has implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of Personal Data and to protect the information held. 

2. The Company notes that while it strives to implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures, these or any other measures cannot guarantee complete security and cannot protect against all possible security breaches at all times.


1. The Company’s Online Store and its services are intended for individuals aged 16 and over, therefore the Company consciously does not collect or process the Personal Data of children under 16.  

2. However, the Company notes that parents have the right to provide their consent if their minor child under 16 wishes to use the Company’s Online Store and its services, such as purchasing a product or service.  

3. If you discover that your child has provided personal information to the Company without your consent, you are kindly asked to contact the Company.  


1. With the User’s clear consent, the Company has the right to send Direct Marketing messages to the User via email and/or SMS.  

2. The User has the right to withdraw the consent given to the Company for processing their Personal Data for Direct Marketing purposes at any time.  

3. If the User no longer wishes their Personal Data to be used for Direct Marketing purposes, they can: – write an email to or call the Company’s general customer consultation phone at +370 633 33220, indicating that they do not wish to receive emails and/or SMS messages; – unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the newsletter.  

4. Sending of emails and/or SMS messages is discontinued for the email addresses and/or phone numbers explicitly indicated by the User.  


1. To ensure that the User receives the full range of services from the Company’s Online Store, Cookies may be stored on the User’s device when connecting to the Online Store, with the User’s consent. 

2. If the User consents to Cookies being stored on their device, they must click “Agree to the use of cookies”; if the User does not agree, they must click “Disagree to the use of cookies”. 

3. The Cookies used by the Company are intended for transmitting information over an electronic communications network. Another type of Cookie is used to collect information for attendance calculation (collect statistical data), provide content matching User interests, and save visit history. The Company does not use this type of Cookies but draws Users’ attention to the fact that some of the Company’s Partners may use such Cookies, and thus, if the User suspects that such Cookies are being used without their consent, they should contact the specific Company Partner.  

4. If the User has consented to Cookies being stored on their device, they can revoke their use at any time by changing their internet browser settings, but in this case, some functions of the Online Store may not work.  


This Privacy Policy takes effect from September 18, 2023. Any changes to the Privacy Rules will be announced and made publicly visible on the Company’s Online Store website.  


MB AŠTRUS. Code: 305935502. Bažnyčių g. 20D-12, LT-72253, Tauragė. Phone: +370 633 33220. Email: