How to prepare a fish fillet

How to prepare a fish fillet

  Fish fillet is not only tasty, but also a healthy choice for lunch or dinner. However, many may find it difficult to properly prepare a fish fillet so that it is juicy and tasty. 

1. Choosing the right fish

The first step is to choose the right fish. When choosing fish, pay attention to the following aspects:
* Freshness: The fish should be fresh, without a strong fishy smell. The eyes of a fresh fish should be clear and the scales should be shiny and attached to the skin.
* Species: The most popular fish for filleting are salmon, cod, dorado, flounder, perch and pike. Each type has its own specific taste and texture characteristics, so the choice depends on your personal preferences.

2. Preparation tools and ingredients

To properly prepare fish fillets, you will need the following tools and ingredients:
* Knife: A sharp and flexible fillet knife is best.
* Cutting board: Use a separate cutting board for fish only.
* Cling wrap: If you plan to store the fish fillet in the refrigerator.
* Salt, pepper and other spices: These are the main ingredients, but you can use other spices according to taste.
* Lemon: Lemon juice helps bring out the flavor of the fish and neutralize any remaining fishy odor.

3. Cleaning the fish and preparing the fillet

Before starting to prepare the fish fillet, it is necessary to properly clean the fish:
1. Scaling: Using a special tool or knife, remove the scales from the fish. Start at the tail and move towards the head.
2. Head and fin removal: Cut off the head and fins of the fish. Fins can be cut with scissors or a knife.
3. Evisceration: Cut open the belly of the fish from head to tail and remove all the entrails. Rinse the fish well under cold water.

4. Cutting the fillet

When the fish is cleaned, you can start filleting:
1. Start of cut: Make a cut just behind the fish's head and fins, deep to the spine.
2. Separate the fillet: Carefully cut along the spine, keeping the knife as close to the bone as possible to get as much meat as possible.
3. Skin removal: To remove the skin, make a small incision at the end of the fillet and carefully pull the skin away, holding the knife at an angle to leave the meat intact.

5. Preparing the fillet for baking

When the fillet is ready, you can start frying or cooking it:
1. Marinating: Before cooking, you can marinate the fillet with salt, pepper, lemon juice and other spices. Marinating helps bring out the flavor and makes the fish even juicier.
2. Frying in a pan: Heat a pan with a little oil. Fry the fillet on both sides for a few minutes until the fish turns golden.
3. Baking in the oven: Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the fillet on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake for about 15-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillet.

6. Serving the fillet

When the fillet is cooked, all that remains is to serve it beautifully:
* Serving with a side dish: Fish fillet goes well with various side dishes such as boiled potatoes, vegetables, rice or salad.
* Garnish: Garnish the dish with fresh herbs, lemon slices or other favorite additions.


* Don't overdo it with spices: The flavor of fish is delicate, so too many spices can overpower it.
* Don't forget about the right temperature: When frying a fish fillet, it is important not to overcook it so that it remains juicy. Monitor the cooking time and temperature.
* Experiment with different recipes: Fish fillets can be prepared in different ways - fried, boiled, grilled or baked in foil. Try different recipes and discover your favorite.

Preparing fish fillets may seem complicated, but following these steps and tips will make it a simple and enjoyable task. The key is to choose fresh fish, use the right tools, and not skip the cleaning and preparation steps. Experiment with different spices and garnishes and discover your favorite fish fillet dishes.